[photo: "Stop Police Repression"]
These photos are from the march against the repression in Atenco held in Mexico City on May 12. The estimated numbers range widely, from 5,000 to 20,000. The best estimate is likely between 10,000 and 15,000.

[photo: "We are all Atenco"]
There is so much happening in these days I can’t hardly get things translated and reported at the rate they occur, but El Kilombo continues to put up relevant articles and translations on the webpage www.elkilombo.org. Click on the Zapatismo link.

[photo: Mostly naked campesinos from an organization in Veracruz who are waging their own protest in Mexico City support the March, shouting their support, "You are not alone!"]

[photo: There were reportedly between 2,600 and 3,000 police at the march, which was peaceful and civil]
The following is an excerpt from Subcomandante Marcos’s discourse at the rally at the march, where he spoke with particular emphasis and passion on the crimes committed by “forces of order” against the women the 3rd and the 4th of May, 2006:
“…today we are convoked by rage and indignation. The rage and indignation provoked by the knowledge that, for those above, women are loot, war booty promised ahead of time to the forces of “order.” The aggression inflicted on our compañeras was for the fact of being women. The intent not just to detain and beat them, but to humiliate them and destroy them morally. The message was not just for them as women in struggle for a better country, another Mexico. It was for all the women of Mexico.

[photo: "189 prisoners, beaten, abused, raped: state of law?"] For this economic and political system, women are the booty paid to those that impose with force what they cannot sustain with reason. To submit to this level of despise, of mistreatment, of sexual aggression, of rape; to be obligated to submit to this with the legal use of violence…this is the alternative that they system offers, regardless of what political sign they represent, to all the women from below, humble and simple.

[photo: "Free the Political Prisoners! Fox, your hands are stained with blood"] Who can proudly applaud this as a symbol of democratic modernity in this country? Who can be honest and maintain silence in the face of this cruelty? Who, as a woman, as a human being, in Mexico or whatever part of the world, can understand what it meant to be a woman in San Salvador Atenco, in the state of Mexico, May 3rd and 4th, 2006, and not care, not do anything, and continue carrying one’s own humiliation, disguising as destiny and bad luck what has been converted into damnation…”

[photo: "Human Rights? ha ha ha!] “…but our rage won’t be the rage of before, the rage of always. No. Now it is an organized indignation, an other rage. We have only just begun, and we will not stop. Liberate the prisoners, all the prisoners, or put us all in jail once and for all.”
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