Update on Political Prisoners

Update, Wednesday May 10, 2006: The permanent sit-in outside Almoloyita, where those detained May 3 and 4 in San Salvador Atenco are being held, continues, now with added intensity and mobilization as today expires the 72 hour period in which the detained must be formally charged or set free. There are apparently two sets of charges. For those from Atenco detained in the May 3 highway confrontation: “delinquent association” and “attack on channels of communication”; for those detained May 4 during the police raid on Atenco
(this group from the community as well as supporters of the Other Campaign), those same two charges plus a charge “equivalent to kidnapping.”

Much of this information is only in Spanish but what we can find in English or translate ourselves I will post at www.elkilombo.org. Click on our “Zapatista page” in the upper right hand column under News and Events.
Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos began granting interviews to the mass media this week, La Jornada has published an interview in two parts on May 9 and 10, www.jornada.unam.mx, and Televisa has video of its May 9 morning interview at its website http://www.esmas.com/noticierostelevisa/mexico/ (scroll down, right hand column in the video gallery. I will have summaries up on these interviews promptly and again, where we can find or do translations of these interviews we’ll post them at www.elkilombo.org.
Indymedia Chiapas has a summary of the international mobilizations in support of the liberation of all political prisoners detained in Atenco (http://chiapas.indymedia.org/display.php3?article_id=12197), taken from the Intergalactic page of the Sixth Declaration (http://zeztainternazional.ezln.org.mx./). They include actions in 29 cities: Stockholm, Berlin, Bilbao, Barcelona, Munich, Paris, Athens, Munster, Madrid, Venice, Rome, Mestre-Marghera, Bologna, Minneapolis, Tucson, New York, Montreal, Vancouver, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Riverside, Santa Ana, San Diego, Houston, Sacramento, Boston, Chicago, Quito, and Buenos Aires.
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