And the Flowers Bled

Yesterday's national and international day of action--"todos desde su lugar y en su modo;" or "everyone in their own place and their own way"--reaped at least 85 actions in 22 countries, including Catalunia, Argentina, Ecuador, El Salador, Chile, Canada, Colombia, Venezuela, United States, Brazil, Cuba, Basque Country, Austria, Germany, Spain, Switzerland, france, Denmark, Greece, Italy, Sweden, the UK, and Norway. Check the El Kilombo page on the Other Campaign for the complete account of the intergalactic actions May 19.
Currently 39 of the original 211 prisoners taken in Atenco remain in jail, 29 acused of kidnapping, the most serious charge, and another 10 for attack on channels of communication, a charge which allows them to pay bail. As many have left the prison their testimonies are made public, and the accounts of the May 4 police attack on Atenco and the subsequent transfer to the prison at Santiaguito, Almoloya are horrific. See the Narco News artice posted on our page:
Yesterday Mexico State government distributed over 2,000 buckets of white and yellow paint to residents of San Salvador Atenco, with the intent that they paint over the signs of support and graffitti in favor of the FPDT (Popular Front in Defense of the Land, the organized resistance in Atenco). La Jornada reports that the response by residents was "nil."
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